Types of Child Sexual Molestation

Types of Child Sexual Molestation:                          Knowing the Differences
Child sexual molestation is a type of abuse directed to children where a person, usually but not limited to an adult, uses a minor or child to carry out different kinds of activities for sexual satisfaction. While there are several forms of it, each carries almost the same effects to the victim, ranging from physical injury and trauma to psychological and behavioral consequences.

With regards to forms, child sexual molestation may include forcing a victim to be part of a sexual activity or intercourse, showing pornographic and other sexually explicit material, offensive and filthy exposure of one's genitals, forcibly viewing the victim's sensitive parts, or using them as models or subjects for pornographic content.
When it comes to the different varieties and nature of the offense meanwhile, child sexual molestation may include the following:
Incest - is probably the worst variety of child sexual molestation  since it involves the sexual exploitation or molestation of a child by a member of the family or a close relative. In the past decade, the cases of incest have risen to great numbers. This crime can be done by the father, mother, sibling, uncle, aunt, step-parents, cousins, and even grandparents.
threat - sexual assault or threat involving a minor or child is composed of several acts wherein the sex offender initiates physical contact with the victim with the objective of sexual stimulation or satisfaction. As long as there is the evidence of penetration into the victim's sensitive part, the offender is guilty of the offense.
mistreatment - sexual mistreatment on the other hand describes a series of activities done by an individual against a child in order to either satisfy his sexual needs or for profit. It does not necessarily involve actual physical contact like assault but it is still a form of child sexual molestation . The two most common examples are prostituting children and minors and using them for making pornographic material to be sold for profit.
Grooming - sex grooming is the new variety of child sexual molestation that deceives and grooms a minor or child to be more open and liberal when it comes to sexual activities. Unlike the other types, grooming is not done directly. A sex offender would normally communicate with the potential victim through the internet or phone. He begins to befriend the child and eventually starts poisoning his/her mind of false information and knowledge about sex.
Anyone who is caught performing any of those mentioned offenses is guilty of the crime of child sexual molestation . Every concerned parent should consider the fact that any kind of act showing sexual perversion towards children, no matter how slight, should be regarded as a gross violation of their rights and constitutes criminal behavior.

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