Thursday 14 February 2013

Emotional Abuse In Children
Emotional child abuse is maltreatment which cause the impairement of psychological growth and development of a child. It involves words, actions, and apathyThe effects of emotional abuse are often silent. Verbal and psychological wounds leave a child forever changed. Emotional abuse is often overlooked, unnoticed or confused with other causes.
Emotional child abuse attacks a child's self-concept. The child comes to see himself or herself as unworthy of love and affection..   

Examples of emotional child abuse are verbal abuse;taking advantage, violence, exploitation. Discouraging caregiver and infant attachment; penalizing a child for demonstrating signs of positive self-esteem; and penalizing a child for using interpersonal skills needed for adequate performance in school and peer groups.In addition, frequently exposing children to family violence and unwillingness or inability to provide affection or stimulation for the child in the course of daily care may also result in emotional abuse.

In some cases, the effects of emotional abuse are not so obvious that an emotionally mistreated child may show no outward signs of abuse. For this reason, emotional abuse is the most difficult form of child maltreatment to identify and stop.Insecurity, poor self-esteem, destructive behavior, angry acts such as  withdrawal, poor development of basic skills, alcohol or drug abuse, suicide and difficulty forming relationships can all be possible results of emotional abuse. 
Children who are often subjected to abuse in relationships or emotional spousal abuse demonstrate higher rates of physical aggressiveness, delinquency and interpersonal problems than other children. Children whose parents are additionally physically abusive are even more likely to experience such difficulties.

Just remember, you can make a huge difference in the life of an abused child, especially if you take measure to stop the abuse early. When talking with an abused child, the best thing you can provide is calm reassurance and unconditional support. Let your actions speak for you if you’re having trouble finding the words. Remember that talking about the abuse may be very difficult for the child. It’s your job to reassure the child and provide whatever help you can.

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